Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art is a book by Scott McCloud that gives an interesting perspective on the art form of comics. I read this book a few years ago in college. It was a rainy day in the library and I was waiting for a ride. A teacher at mine was a big advocate for McCloud and recommended his book to his illustration class. I was going for graphic design; I was not in that particular class. I’ve always been interested in comics. That was a good opportunity to find out what a comic could say about creating comics.
At first, I thought it was in niche idea. I can see if it a kid’s book. Though that was one of the stereotypes the author wanted to get people over. This book shows Comics as a storytelling medium. The examples and theory associated with this book is a bout Helen author of the comic or graphic novel can use sequential art, one panel next to another, to tell a meaningful story. McCloud uses this medium to great effect. You soon do not realize or even care that you are reading a comic. The way he uses the pages through layout illustrates his points beautifully.
I’d recommend this book to anyone interested in creating comics or creative storytelling techniques. It is a fun ride and the heavy theoretical things are delivered in an upbeat manner. You’ll never get bored with this book.